
See Cocaine Cowboys 2 for more about Griselda Blanco. Seriously, doesn't need to be fictionalized. Amazing documentary.

Nazis are working hard to take over America, but… "You had an extra s on the word As, which makes it ASS, haha!"

Pantsshitting Kidfuckers for Trump 2016!

He's sort of a comedian, aren't all clowns, really?

Beaddie, Beaddie, Beaddie, Little Marco is ready, Buck!

He's not a little boy anymore, he was old enough to be the president 10 years ago. If he was a real musician, playing gigs, he might have found out before going on national TV that his music was not appreciated by the public.

Anarchy in the UK!

Won't stop. Can't stop. He's a joke.

There is nothing more punk than dropping $700 + tax on a mass-produced studded leather jacket with random rock band names on it.

'member Chewbacca again?

That show was visual nightmare fuel.

OK, I'll take your word over Jony Ive's when it comes to design and usability.

Feel free to keep using the regular headphones with the included adapter if technology advancing over the last 10 years is too scary for you.

"It is America."

I hate his dad, and I hate his face, that should be enough.

Somebody has to make a Vagenda of Manocide movie now. Too bad Divine died.

I despise Robyn Thicke, his music, and everything else about him, but this is a bullshit decision.

I'm game, I'd also like a Flaming Carrot movie, please.

Bat Mite or GTFO.