
Dr. Drew is a moral disaster. Making money off of sick people by exploiting their disease.

He's just a poor little 32 year old kid who got drunk, destroyed a bathroom & lied to everybody and his mom about how he was some sort of a tough-guy. Give him his millions of dollars!

The cartoon was the truest to the source material.

They are this close to launching an ICBM with a nuclear warhead at the USA. Haha, funny stuff.

It's the European word for yard.

Or they didn't think about the idiocy of letting WIlmore, Colbert, and Stewart go WHILE TRUMP WAS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT.

Well, being Comedy Central, I'd have thought funniness would have factored into their decisions, and I've been thinking that Larry had the superior, and funnier, show now that Jon Stewart is gone.

They're too busy watching Warcraft for the 5th time.

Wow, WTF, If anything they should have fired Trevor Noah and let The Nightly Show take the Daily Show's slot. The Nightly Show has been kicking the Daily's show's ass for months now.

Gruber? What's that?

This is equivalent to saying to Germans in 1929 to just ignore that kooky asshole with the weird hair and crazy, racist ideas.

If you DO want that, feel free to visit "The Smoking Gun" for the latest trends in Middle Aged White Male Racist Bullshit comment sections.

I never thought a review for this movie would end with the words "they may have reached a logical endpoint."

So, you have to subscribe, and still see ads? Screw that.

Cross is fine and unique as a comedian, doesn't need tips from the AV kiddos.

You found my joke, congrats! :)

He was great in BJ and the Bear.

"Cross’ biggest weakness has always been his unwillingness to shape his material. "

A Kanye fan lecturing me about taste? What does a white nationalist, seemingly from Holland, know about rap music?

I would vomit, please choose the best one.