
I'll ask the same thing I ask on every Kanye thread…. If I want to understand the genius of Kanye, what track should I listen to? Everything I've heard is garbage, and every time I ask for the best, most Genius, Kanye track I get no replies, so hit me Kanye fans. Why is he deserving of any attention as a musician?

Yeah, it's like "Friends" for people who don't have any.

Kanye is Paul Lynde now, but with more buttstuff.

It's kind of like a chicken's clucking, right wing while males who are intimidated by black men's sexuality involuntarity "cuck" a lot.

Melania is a trophy wife and probably isn’t very smart. (That last cliché proves particularly irritating, because it’s provably false.)

No Matthew Sweet mention?

Last night, yeah.

Monster Magnet

So you're defending the idea that Pokemon Go is a form of fiction.

Alex Jones of 2016 is different than the Alex Jones of 1999. In 1999 he was a local Austin figure who we all watched on cable access for yuks, he wasn't a major figure in the Republican party.

You consider looking at little anime monsters jumping around on your phone "fiction"? Try reading a book.

Or, you could walk around your neighborhood without a phone in your face and actually see real things.

Yeah, currently we're in the 'first' world. We don't have elections that end with the leader of the opposing party in jail.

Eminem, come for the puerile humor and celebrity burns, stay for the cultural appropriation and misogyny.

Make America A Third World Banana Republic For The First Time

At least the world knows his junk looks like raw hamburger now.

I'm wearing my Colbert Keep Fear Alive T-shirt today!

Trump wants to do to the country what the T is doing to the P.

Joe Piscopo will speak to a chair before Hair Furor takes the stage.

Hopefully one of these Trump-spawned serial killers will show up with a blood spatter on their cheek that they missed in the mirror before the show.