
They can remove that with lasers now.

Yes, it's really about the war on White Christian Quarterbacks who throw badly, but are really good at public prayer, so let them play football!

I wonder what Melania will have to say about Benghazi.

Clinton is willing to denounce the support of the KKK.

There's only one place to find out. The Target Women's room.

Ironically, it was Hitler who coined the phrase "Gotta catch 'em all."

Consideration and knowledge before decisions or actions? That's not the TRUMP way!

Durst and Limp Bizkit sucked then, suck now, and will always suck.

So, sports are good because drinking goes up and hotels get filled up. Got it. Maybe addressing real issues like poverty and militarized police would be good too? No? OK.

Move to Texas, and continue the "fun".

…since we know those guys are evil because they look and act like Nazis, but they’re not really Nazis, so we don’t have a problem ignoring it.

also, not on Fridays.

Colbert was the best choice.

Letterman had no leverage to name his successor. Get mad at that money-grubbing Trump-loving scumbag Les Moonves. He can absorb your hate like a mile-wide sponge.

I wonder if you could make a pizza box and crust out of that.

White Russian

Unregulated Pharmaceutical CEO greed ain't nothin' to f**k with!

He's busy kicking immigrant children in the back of the heads.

So, am I the only one who sees no difference at all between Kelsey, Frasier, and Bob's voices?

You know where you are? You're in the Wendy's, baby! You're gonna dine!