
We need single payer, like every other civilized country. Our commitment to the profits of the medical/insurance industry over actual medicine is killing us.

One man's fun is another man's dumb.

Dear America, are you not yet dumb enough to destroy your country by voting in a stupid, bigoted, egotist reality show star as president? Well, watching the Fast and Furious series from the beginning can help!

What a horrible, useless article. I like to watch TV when I watch TV and use Twitter when I use twitter, don't need to combine them. I feel sorry for people who can't be satisfied by doing a single activity. If you're tweeting about doing a thing while you are still doing that thing, you aren't really doing that thing.

I've asked this question before and nobody says anything, I think that answered my question. His "genius" is a media-driven myth.

Somebody please tell me the name of the BEST, MOST "GENIUS" Kanye song, because I've never heard "Genius" from him. The only "Genius" I see from him is convincing suburban white kids who spend too much time on sweater-rock websites that he is a "genius", so please, tell me the name of the BEST, MOST "GENIUS" Kanye

Viagra, Hair Club for Men, Miss America….

They're always orangutansplaining.

Also, Party at Ground Zero on the first Fishbone EP, predates Weird Al's song.

They were against doing “I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing.”

Jonathan Capehart is not a journalist, he's a Hillary brownshirt.

Believe me, I'm trying, but like a bad yeast infection, he simply has no musical talent.

No thanks, I try not to pay attention to this insane, egotistical, supremely narrcicistic clown, I get enough of that watching the news.

I liked part 1 when it came out. Walked out of the theatre for part II. Only other times I did that were Ghost Dad, Look Who's Talking and (maybe) Night Patrol.

I have had televisions commit suicide rather than show Grease on their screens.

Perhaps their impudent chauvinism and virginal mysogeny could power a rocket straight into the sun!

As an old school Austinite, the commenters' focus on Electriclarryland and Weird Revolution is sad.

Horrible movie, I was shocked at the stupidity of it.

Because people fighting for social justice are…. wrong? Fuck that RW crap.

Your comment is the death of Rock and Roll.