
There has to be a conspiracy as to why Billy Corgan is still relevant to the world of music in any way today. Oh wait, he's absolutely not.

Vevo is the devil

Yes, you have watched the Simpsons.

We still have Big and Rich! (sorry)

The joke is "Don't be evil".

I love it that the Russian lady was later in Queens of the Stone Age.

If the first Indiana jones was set in 1936 and was filmed in 1981, it follows that this new movie, coming out in 2017(?) will be set in 1976. Indiana Jones and the Bicentennial Disco Sideburns.

No mention of Kathy Valentine, I see. I'm pretty certain that she'd be considered "The Go-Gos’ “classic” lineup"

Cool, will the plain white concert T-Shirts cost $300?

Brilliant and logical, like this?

Looks like Beck to me, not David Spade.

In other news, there is actual good music and important information waiting for you elsewhere on the internet.

Always thought this sounded exactly like a World Party song.

Still not sure what the problem is here. PC crap.

Let's stop with this "Vanilla Ice" crap, the douche's name is Robbie Van Winkle.

The Kardashians wouldn’t be famous if she hadn't released a sex tape. The Kardashians wouldn’t be famous if Satan didn't hold sway over the world. The Kardashians wouldn’t be famous if America had any fucking self respect.

Maybe the millions of people who bought Justin Timberlake and Jay-zzzzzz realized that they are wasting their money with these celebrity snooze fests.

I've now lived long enough not only for every single original idea to be used, now they have all been re-used, and now we're using them a third time. RIP Human Creativity.

A story devoted to exposing that the something that the story is about is nothing. I expect nothing less, avclub.

I love this record. Stop thinking about music and listen to it. Rock out, loosen your neckscarves, internet hipsters of 2012, and try to enjoy yourselves. If you like Carrion Crawler/The Dream, this is right up there too. Go Dwyer.