
I love this record. Stop thinking about music and listen to it. Rock out, loosen your neckscarves, internet hipsters of 2012, and try to enjoy yourselves. If you like Carrion Crawler/The Dream, this is right up there too. Go Dwyer.

Elton John / Bernie Taupin. Nothing proves Elton's talent more than reading Bernie's lyrics and realizing that somebody made a hit song out of them.

"Yesterday, all my troubles seemed…"
"Imma let you finish, but Michael Jackson had the best album of the 20th century."

Hey kids, I got a great idea! let's totally over-analyze Monty Python until we have drained ALL the fun out! Cheers!

I want my Al TV!

"While most of the attention of the last 24 hours has been focused on Community"

"But fuck how sincere these guys were. It’s so tone-deaf. It kind of makes me want to build wealth and vote Republican and invest in an arms company."

Glad this guy had the guts to stand up for himself and all the other put-upon TV reviewers. So glad all the other problems of the world were solved so the concerns of the TV critic could be brought front and center, where they belong.

Spolierphobes: People who use the internet and don't watch TV being live-broadcast.

Up next, 20-somethings in awe over something us 40-somethings already processed 20 years ago.

Snyder's Watchmen is good, but as close as he hewed to the script, why make Ozy into an effeminate wimp? There should have also have been a squid.

Everyone is a more popular Dustin Diamond.

Shut the fuck up, Dominus.


Remember when that non-pretentious, non-French-Canadian band asked people to dress a certain way at their concerts? No, me neither.

" Jesse has managed to avoid both extremes"
I can't believe you forgot Gale. :(

" Jesse has managed to avoid both extremes"
I can't believe you forgot Gale. :(
