Petey Thiel

Welp, I’ll be driving home from the bars drunk I guess. Since there are no all-electric environmentally-sensitive unionized 51% woman organically grown non-profit no animal testing car ride companies to choose from, and taxis in my city are next to impossible to get at 2 am, I must drive after my eight martini happy

When can we stop using the term “Woke” ?

That dickbag forcing his way in after the part where the highway engineers had lines painted on the road that said “don’t merge here, asshole” causes a ripple back through the line that causes me to be late to work an hour after he did it, because people had to brake for him to fit in and the chain reaction has begun.

Wait, so you “calls it as you sees it” but think that it’s just biased to say Trump is a disaster? So by your logic, to be unbiased you have to never criticize the fucked up shit he’s doing? WHAT?!

I love how all the Trump supporters in the comments who are ‘appalled’ at Gizmodo expressing something vaguely akin to a political bias (gasp!) can’t recognize that Donald Trump is, at this point, far beyond the traditional left / right divide in Washington discourse.

Because Obama was not a Russian mole.

Hahaha. And with that comment you’ve single-handedly proven the widely held belief that Trump supporters are hysterical drama queens with below average intelligence.

I’d just like to understand why an autonomous car needs to be able to beat a Ferrari in a drag race. I mean, aren’t you just telling the car your destination and letting it drive for you?

This is how a lot of companies in the US were. The idea was to stay with a company until retirement. It worked for a while. My grandfather retired with pretty nice pension for the time when I was a kid and that is how he made it through cancer treatment - Without that income he would have lost everything.

Sounds like Conservatives’ utopia. No worker protections, or workplace regulations. People working themselves to the bone until they keel over.

There would not be enough fuck yous in the world for me to give to a company that wanted me to let my kid be raised exclusively by grandma. Nopety nope nope. Seriously, fuck LeEco if that’s what they want from human beings.

The DNC torpedoed Sanders. There were a couple emails and news stories floating around about it a few months ago.

I think this may be the first time I’ve seen a woman use the word cuck un-ironically. I don’t like it.

Perhaps the most letter efficient to factual statement ratio headline I have ever read...

Can we please stop sugar coating White Supremacists by calling them White Nationalists or the even more diluted alt-right?

Let us never forget the people who rail against “special snowflakes” are currently boycotting chain coffee, a cereal company, a broadway musical and a baseball team that finished 24th in attendance in 2016.

The Youcis Conjecture: Anyone who uses the word “cuck” outside the context of a PornHub video title can be safely ignored without fear of missing out on a poignant conversation.

“Baseball, like all once proud American Institutions, has been thoroughly cucked as well”

“I was like a god there, I owned that stadium.”