
I think it's funny that so many people complained that this episode "didn't advance the plot" sufficiently. I mean… they've seen David Lynch movies before, right?

Who is "Alfred"?

I decided to go ahead and blame everything bad (Wally, Lucy and Andy) on Mark Frost.

"While it’s true that no coming-out narrative is entirely linear, the
“two steps forward, two steps back” nature of Kenny’s story was puzzling"

"True Colours" by Split Enz

Wow, that is just terrible.

That would be a cunning stunt.

There's my new band name:
Jesus Christ: The Shower Curtain.

This guy keeps making flops, and then getting hired to make more flops.

Can't it be both?

The Chinese Restaurant sequence is one of the best in any Cronenberg film. So good.

That is so true! I remember seeing 28 Days Later in the theater. I loved it, but remember thinking, "This dooms any attempt to accurately make Day of the Triffids."

Yeah, that was not very good. All they have to do is follow the book! But, of course, they won't.

I would call the sex scenes at the end of "It" to be distinctly un-awesome.