Lexi Express

Its a Catch 22, you don't notice the average stoned person because they're in watching stupid shit giggling or are conscious/paranoid enough to put on a fresh shirt when they go get jelly beans. So to 'normal' people they don't exist. Then in comes Bud Green in a neon tie-dye shirt with a bong gasmask on his face. I

I had to look this up. Why… why did A&F quarterly exist? Why did a pants store decide to print softcore pornography in which pants are quite clearly absent?

I plan on peaking seconds after I die, reborn as the Star Child.

Just imagine Groundhog Day has a deleted scene where Data informs Bill Murray he is a corrupted computer file, then something about choice, then resolution.

Well Rodenberry instructed Patrick Stewart by giving him a
stack of Hornblower novels and saying 'do that', so seems like a pretty
good theory. Also I need to see that again, watched it once with a migraine and gave up, M&C has sat in my brain as bad because of an unrelated illness. Given all the praise I've heard

I agree excluding Kylo Ren, I just couldn't buy his nice hair and SoCal accent and was baffled whether he was meant to be a mopey youth who will grow or an immideate threat, as his abilities shifted throughout the film. There was a very funny bit where two stormtroopers walk in on him having a tantrum and immideatly

Its specific, I dont want to dislike the new film (any nerd rage enjoyment died with the prequels) and it has good elements (most of the new characaters) but its overt aping of the original trilogy felt like it went beyond fun references into a grab bag of imagery used without restraint, like a fan would do for fun

I went into Force Awakens expecting either a good film or something anger inducing like Into Darkness. Instead me and a gang of dedicated nerds exited the theatre in silence and stood around at 3am before parting ways, baffled by the very concept of what makes a good film. The whole thing felt like a big budget fan

That isn't that unusual due to the nature of digital cinema. Digital film prints have a lock on them so employees, even if they get offered a special pre-show have to wait until midnight the day of official release for the film to be showable, and in the case of huge films like Star Wars that means the first public

But its status is based on its ideas, not its prose. No one puts Shelly alongside Shakespeare, at least to my knowledge. For a teenage girl's summer distraction in 1818 its an insanely original and interesting story. Also for its huge influence on modern media, it obviously deserves to be up there.

Lunch?! Can you imagine going on the piss with Reed AND O'Toole? I mean literally, can you? I cannot even begin to fathom the chaos that would be wrought.

Tape it for me.

Yeah I can't see nobody noticing a Secret Service dude (with an SMG?!) blowing the President's brains out and it not being known. Its hardly something deserving of being covered up. The King of Yugoslavia was attacked by Croatian nationalists in 1929 during a trip to France. When the gunmen opened fire at close-range

As a product of Britain's state school system, I can confirm we read Frankenstein as a class, and I chose to read Dracula from a selection of books for an assignment.

A good book but I've always been drawn to the chapter about the Demeter transporting Dracula to England as its own story. Its basically an Alien/Thing/5 Little Indians story, and looping to the article, the Captain never gets any explanation what the hell is going on - strapped to the ship's wheel in a raging storm as

Any sources? I'm quite a fan of conspriacy theories, JFK ones in particular and I've never heard him being accidentally killed by his Secret Service detail.

Strictly speaking if someone stopped you from masturbating, you would get quite antsy (a mate grossly described it as "bleeding the radiator") but that's got nothing to do with sleeping with other people. Outside of such an odd Saw-style scenario (and if someone has the power to stop you wanking, you probably have

Hell, just looking into the bartender's eyes shitted me up for weeks.

One of my first girlfriends cheated with a guy I was vaguely aware of (in my rough-arse rustbelt town anyone vaguely metal/punk/goth stuck very closely together). I was upset obviously but I felt no need for revenge or retribution. I was at parties and gigs as the same guy several times, simply ignored him. Then he

Thanks for sharing. Many people use an identity to cover up for being an arsehole. In your case a self-centred narcissist used his 'radical' sex life to try to his personality seem ok. There's nothing more tiresome than someone interacting socially with you simply to shock. And I'm pretty confident all those conquests