Lexi Express

How is Olenna's grand finale pushed aside so casually? A lonnng mystery finally solved, Tyrion exhonorated at the moment he is helping to lead the end of his family, and the ultimate GoT survivor goes out with grace, victory and a snub to the incestuous duo.

Its something that's nagged at me with American sitcoms and comedy films over the years. Loads of British comedies have 'poor' main characters and mine working-class money/status troubles for tension and laughs. Yet in American stuff the relatable normal guy is often rich or at least very comfortable (virtually every

Testimonies like that Skippy thing did infuriate me a little (towards the doc makers) as there was no effort to link it or examine it, regardless of how true or proveable it is. The established story is that the other nun was home and Sister Cathy went out, then disappeared. There's also later musings that the other

I would love -LOVE- to be a fly on the wall during production meetings discussing Reigns. What can they possibly be saying about the guy, "fifth times a charm"?

You're joking but I think it would be an excellent running comedy spot eventually leading into a Steve Blackman run.

What's wrong with Quintuple Dance?

Has any info leaked why this name was chosen? Like you say there's plenty of far less naff PPV names in the vault. Also do they have to pay royalties to use it?

I think everyone would but the three hour thing creates self-fulfilling problems. Ironically Nitro discovered this nearly two decades ago and it helped kill the promotion. Longer show leads to a less interesting stuff as you have more air time > ratings drop > cut back to 2 hours? > the now low ratings would cut

What new roles? Both stick out like sore thumbs in the New Era. Goldust going old school weird would certainly shake things up. But I suspect that won't happen. Cold feud with R-Truth then…?

Ha, that would be interesting, go full Watts. No over the rope, nothing resembling a closed fist etc.

That implies he was… anything before. Stick Crews in a Dr. Doom costume, do something with the poor guy.

I just finished re-reading Death of WCW last night which almost makes a running joke of how low card guys got over and then were quickly buried because it wasn't planned.

Overall I disliked its execution but yeah there's distinct moments that did stick in my craw. The bizarre elephantine Navigators just being albino giants in suits felt very lazy. And why did albino giant DNA just magically produce a short non-albino replica species in humans billions of years later? This is considered

It sounds like you're trying to convince yourself. Its a 3/5 movie? Is your personal marking supposed to be a cast iron fact?

Yes it became popular to hate above five seconds after the end credits began to roll and a million viewers went "ehhh?". You like it fair enough but it doesn't make everyone else's opinions inherently wrong. In my opinion for instance it was not far better than 3.

Question for all people who have seen this film. How did you react to the little flute scene? Because the audience I was with howled with laughter when David says to Walter "you blow and I'll supply the fingering".

He said stupidest people ALIVE. The crew of Covenant for all their foibles at least see creepy hyperprdators and don't try to make friends.

Really? I think given events its something of little importance before it matters and too late by the time it does. There's a few horrordumb moments but I think that is fairly forgivable. They were quite busy after all.

Oh my what an idea.

This. However I do agree her push has been at the expense of the roster. Her beating Bayley at home felt like two seperate plots collided and Bliss' push won out because she's felt to be more important. It sometimes seems WWE wont even listen to merch sales anymore. Then again if you're HHH that's understandable.