Lexi Express

"I connected to Louie's struggle in some very unique manner" - so, you shit yourself.

It was a fine example of: "eh, its been a bit boring but hey now its picking up!" - cue credits.

Yeah he was all Braveheart until they told him how they were going to do it - then he (rightly) shat himself.

Its what I tell my kids when I'm on the school run anyway.

Thank you for brining this into my life

my anal history for one, is not for the faint hearted.

Haven't seen it but if it wasn't for Sean Penn's big face on the poster I'd assume it was a straight to DVD knock off of Taken. The title is impressively vague and the tagline (in the UK at least) is "They should have killed him when they had the chance" - come on, how comically by the numbers can you make it? It

If you want to try a Jesus-based flavour of faith, try Gnosticism. At least they admit God is full of shit.

Ever since we made Gloucester a negro-free zone in 1987, we never hear the end of it!

Bad things happen to good people, the slaveowning emirs of Dubai get to party with George Clooney, the sun will inevitably consume our world. Same shit, different day.

It had Stallone in it! That's a seal of quality right there.

Being an avid Earthlet from an early age I was a little let down by the lack of humour in Dredd but the main characters were great, I loved the action and that opening scene in particular really set the tone ("Shit, its a judge - we're fucking dead!") for the uninitiated. Its a shame there's no sequel but hey, its a

And crippled Canada's booming speedster industry in the process. Disgusting.

He is an odd one in that he knowingly makes schlock for the bargain bin because he loves bewbs and ninjas, yet his strange 'traits' makes him a good-bad auteur IMO. Wiseau failed to make Citizen Kane, Kabazinsky failed to make Hard to Kill. In the hands of someone competent Skull Forest would be forgettable B movie

Is it shocking its not good-bad? The only directors who tend to make reliably good-bad films over and over are hired guns with limited resources, hitting genre key points in the least taxing way possible. If its an 'auteur' like Ed Wood, Armi Shervan or Len Kabinsinsky they manage it because they operate so under the

This might be me being an idiot but what's with Charlie (or Frank, maybe)'s love of Astronautilus, I spied at least two posters in their flat.

"Some of you will be forced through a fine mesh screen for your planet - those will be the luckiest of all" - gets me every time. And Zapp's hideously bruised face "I've never been so happy to be beaten up by a woman!" I don't think there's anything to do with sexuality in Kiff's disgusted reaction, he merely is

The review is right, Mac's awful double dealing was central to this episode but it didn't work for me. Also Charlie's lack of interest in Frank retiring was weird, it could have been milked at bit more. The insane blood loss,, Mac choking himself out and open eyed sleeping Frank were good and the ending continues my

It will never be rebroadcast or released on DVD in Britain or America because it was technically a review show but Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe is a little nugget of gold. His reviews focused on the ground breaking (Brooker basically introduced The Wire to Britain) or the hilariously insane (Baby Mind Reader), and in