Now playing

Track: Again | Artist: Yellow Machine Gun | Album: Spot Remover

But here’s the big question, one we want to know............

Such a good time to use #FeelTheBern and you didn’t go for it!

I finally got around to playing Brutal Legend during the Steam Winter Sale (just before it, actually; one of the few times I’ve purchased a game and then watched it go on 90% sale 48 hours later—DERP).

That game is a love poem to my high school years; it’s like someone brought the soundtrack of my adolescence to life,

How appropriate, you fight like a cow.

Then she’d be dressed like this:

This is a good step, I approve of reviews that should be read instead of review score summaries.

Then you weren’t around when it was confirmed.

As a Playstation TV owner I am used to being disappointed.

All 10 people must be really upset