
It took me a while to come around, but I think it is. AC4 has so many magical moments related to its pirate adventures, but the actual AC action is pretty weak.

missed a step

Undertale has an officially sanctioned fan album, and it’s awesome. I’m a bit late to the party on this (the album came out right before Christmas), but if you’re a fan of Undertale’s soundtrack and metal/electronic music, this is an excellent set of covers. Warning: emotions. Also dog marriage.

I enjoy this digital arms race. Piracy is a scourge on the economy of video games.

Be an Optimist Prime, not a Negatron.

AGDQ has always been my favorite thing to have on in the background! So glad this is starting just as I have four days off of work.

I just noticed that on the screenshot with the math homework, he got the answer right, but they counted it as wrong!

You could save even more not playing video games at all. Hell, imagine how much time you could save if you just killed yourself right now.

That guy is a hero. I was doing a mission that involved a chase sequence. About 3 seconds into the chase, my target bumped into that guy and they both fell in. Mission completed.