Less than two minutes to get to a Fire Walk With Me reference. I’m not sure if I find that endearing or annoying, lol.
Less than two minutes to get to a Fire Walk With Me reference. I’m not sure if I find that endearing or annoying, lol.
There are a few scraps of cut content revolving around a creepy backstory character that are “accessible” by messing around with the files, but that’s pretty much it; the game’s true ending doesn’t require anything along those lines.
As great as it is to be able to play 2048 stages at a high framerate and resolution, playing through the HD/Fury PSP stages for a third time just makes me bummed out that we’ll never get an actual new Wipeout.
Chrono Break. I hardly even know what that would look like in 2017, but I’m still compelled to want it for some reason lol. (I loved Cross, but I think I’d prefer this one to be a pure “spiritual successor” instead of trying to shoehorn in connections to the previous game like Cross did.)
At first glance I thought that image was going to be the Trump & scowling Pope picture with dozens of people edited in.
It’s frustrating that only certain skins (Blizzcon & HOTS promotions) are cross-platform. I’ve been playing about 50/50 PS4 and PC lately, and I’d be far more likely to drop a few bucks on some loot boxes if I could actually get the same skins in both places.
After Voez came out on Switch with all songs for $30, it’s kind of a bummer to see this with the avalanche of DLC.
It’s been a game-by-game thing for me. I played Zelda almost entirely docked, but I’ve played Mario Kart almost exclusively portable (except the couple times I’ve had the opportunity for local multi).
music licensing isn’t a lake; it’s an ocean
Undertale nailed this same kind of moment, finding a story-appropriate way to nudge the player into going back in. (Though I still had at least one friend who stopped at an ending instead of the ending.)
I always thought it would have been pretty awesome if they had just added a Jack into the prison scene as a nod to the “it’ll never work” bit in the movie. But yeah, turning the entire thing into The Search for Jack Sparrow kind of wrecked the ride for me.
I know Adventure hasn’t aged well and 2006 was a trainwreck, but man, I wish they’d just drop the 2D thing and try to do a full “Modern” game the right way.
iam8bit has teased a P5 release if I’m not mistaken.
Stopped reading after a couple paragraphs (and scrolled down to the comments, because internet) so I could go and check this out fresh. They seem to be exceedingly rare, but I can really get into a well-done creepypasta.
Pretty excited for this. Been long enough since the WWII shooter craze that I’m curious to see what a modern one looks like.
Now THIS is Kinja!
I don’t believe Double Fine did the Monkey Island remasters. (I’d definitely have preferred DF’s “touch up” updated art style to the wildly different art direction in the Monkey Island updates.)
That first week or two playing Fez and figuring things out along with others online is in the conversation for my most “magical” gaming moment. I really fucking hope something else comes along someday that recaptures that feeling.