Man, what an unusally rocky year it’s been for performance on PC. Seems like more than half of major releases are struggling.
Man, what an unusally rocky year it’s been for performance on PC. Seems like more than half of major releases are struggling.
I’m torn on the “boop” situation. On the one hand, were living in a golden age of *boop*, and having an emote would be a lot of fun. On the other hand, I really love the way that the moment is low-key sinister in the way it references the photo of the woman and her child, and it’d be kind of lame to have it go full…
All I need to know is whether or not she can telefrag.
Playing VLR immediately after 999 almost wrecked the game for me. I eventually came to enjoy it, but the tonal shift was so jarring at first that I had to put the game down for a while. (I was happy that ZTD got back to the tone of the original, but I wasn’t crazy about the game overall.)
Saaame here.
Awesome! I’ve been intrigued by Beam and its crazy-low-latency streaming lately.
Definitely worth checking out the Lost Constellation side story, it 110% sold me on NitW. The music is rad as hell, too; I’ve had “Longest Night” stuck in my head for ages now.
You Know What in 999 will forever be my favorite dual-screen moment. Wish I could play that for the first time again.
You fight like a dairy farmer.
Weird, the ‘pro’ controller looks like one of those clunky iOS pads.
Anyone happen to know if these have sidetone? Couldn’t find an answer on their site. I really can’t get used to speaking without being able to hear myself, so it sucks that it seems to be an impossibly rare feature in headsets lately.
Saw the original back in the day and loved it (even the ending) but I still haven’t watched Brotherhood. Guess I no longer have an excuse now that it’s back on a service I subscribe to.
Yep, it was pretty much... serviceable. Inoffensive. Quiet background music in a McDonald’s.
There was no way this could have ever lived up to expectations, but even so, I was kind of disappointed by this. They just don’t seem to have a whole lot to say about TFA in this kind of context. (Which makes sense, as the long prequel reviews were entirely based around deconstructing the extensive problems those…
It’s... almost refreshing to see juvenile character design that’s actually using a curvy character. (Though this whole thing would be much more appealing to me if I was still 12.)
Damn, bummer about custom soundtracks. I heard the “upload your stuff to OneDrive” part, but not the “...and you need Groove Music to play it in the game” one.
The game really means a lot to me (for reasons I’m still trying to understand, honestly), but more than anything else, the music is what permanently lodged it in the back of my mind. I don’t think there’s been a single day in the year it’s been out where I haven’t listened to at least one of the songs.
I need to give this another shot at some point. I hear nothing but praise for the game but I just bounced right the hell off of it, got probably four hours into the Vita version before drifting away. The story hadn’t yet hooked me and I kind of disliked all the characters, particularly the insufferable protagonist.…
It loses me a bit at “crafting and trading,” but man, I love the idea of a laid-back mobile game with a gorgeous world to just casually explore.
I blame Lain for my lifelong fascination with the visual of tangled, complex power lines.