Apparently she's going to chair his America First PAC
Apparently she's going to chair his America First PAC
Sorry, Jack! #ImRunning
15 years ago. I was friends with a coworker who was in line for an apartment but it fell through. I was barely squeaking by at a low-paying full time job, so I go, “Hey man, I have some space in my place, it’s not a lot but it’s something and it’s close to work.”
man it's a good thing OnLive never happened
Fun Fact: Ryan Fitzpatrick went to Harvard! I bet you weren't aware of that!
Why is he putting on an accent as if he's from Tennessee
lol I got a 3 pound bag of mini marshmallows at Costco for $2 not that long ago. That's WEEKS of enjoyment right there.
Sucks that the premium family subscribers can't get the Hulu bundle
When is it appropriate to start tagging these posts “LOLAKERS”
Awesome that I'll be in the greys forever but shitheads like you are out there for the world to see
“It takes time to build a contender,” sources said, while pretending LeBron hadn't played in the last 8 NBA Finals
I love that most of the twitter replies are “YOU’RE HYPOCRITICAL CUZ YOU WENT ON PMT TO PROMOTE YOUR BOOK”
The cops were too busy catching “fare evaders” at a station where the turnstiles weren't working
wait what was the hickenlooper joke? just scrolled to the bottom here to ask that
Honestly, Saints Row IV did Crackdown a lot better than Crackdown did, and that game is almost 6 years old. You should play that instead!
Probably should've asked for Just Salad employee horror stories instead
Guessing GMG is the only office of more than 10 people that doesn't supply plastic utensils?
EXCLUSIVE: The song he was thinking about at the moment pictured above!