
'that ever happens' - it does happen. Happened in my high school way back when. A girl I knew started seeing an older guy. In that awkward phase of adolescence where no one was sleeping with each other quite yet - but she did and shared it with a few friends - quickly it spread through the school and there was lots of

Sometimes friends aren't all that bright though.

Me… me too.

I enjoy how he also seemed to save revealing that one trait of his people for now, just as someone is gonna die.

The 'fan films look better' argument is such a dismissive Trekkie cliche. Really? What fan film exactly? Yeah the dialogue is wooden (which is funny, because obvious, wooden dialogue seems to be a staple of Star Trek) but the special effects and costumes seem really good (and consistent) for TV - CBS especially.

Good effects and sets though!

God damn Trekkies.


What's this about now?

Problem is they just made Laurie emulate him rather than be weird in her own unique way.

If Ed came to Laurie with the Seefood pitch and Monica thoroughly trashes it as a waste of money, it'd take some gymnastics for it to bite her in the ass. Even if Ed said he stole the scoop from her, she can argue she was talking about it in a different context.

Not to mention these 'criticisms' are predictable and pandering.

As always, the answer is simple: be responsible and monitor what kids are watching.

It depends on the goals for whatever is being created. Audiences will always be influenced and interpret things they see, hence the endless debates on violent movies/games, smoking in movies, etc. If your show is this one, about the fallout of suicide - some tact might be nice. Other films/shows are different - I

I disagree. It's horrific and disgusting but it's also incredibly dramatic. It still plays into a fantasy.

The suicide scene plays into shock factor - still lacks tact or heartfelt sorrow to achieve what it claims to be intending. On the other hand, I started rewatching Twin Peaks and the pilot of that show doesn't need to resort to a gruesome reveal. It plays out the emotional wreckage of the death of a young girl in a



My girlfriend got a customs agent who thought she was a 'sweetie' and asked if her parents knew she was flying alone (I guess cause she's short and petite). But what's she gonna do about it? Miss her flight over it? Customs agents: free reign to be pigs to women and nobody can stop you.

Bravo. This one is a beauty. You've earned your 'I hate flying' stripes.