
3 gets a bad rap that I don't get. It was a lot of fun and had the balls to defy the holy bible of Marvel comics canon with a bitch slap. I thought Ultron was fun but the more distance I get from it, the less I like it.. it felt like it ignored and wanted to redo parts of Iron Man 3 as it saw fit.

I would guess that the people who become the fanbase to horror franchises aren't even in it for the scares but love mythologies. At this point, I don't know who they are targeting with this franchise other than loyal fans.. new teens?

But still pretty likely.

Sounds like you've already made up your mind.

Seems like the marketing people are saying, "you know what know-it-all nerds, fine here's a trailer that doesn't SPOIL it all for you!" but then went to such extremes that its just a parade of famous faces with zero context. At least have a catchy title!

She probably isn't holding a grudge because I'm sure that asshole attitudes are not that uncommon in Hollywood but they seem to usually come from producers rather than directors.

I enjoyed on that THR directors roundtable a few years ago when asked about going berzerk on set Tarantino shut it down as petty and childish and career ruining to which the camera cuts directly to O. Russell.

Because people want to see Luke so by not showing Luke people want to see him.

The Christian Slater effect.

That's cause they weren't high!

Just saw Forbidden Room and it applies to Maddin logic - it feels sooo long that I would drift in and out of paying attention but it never seems to matter because its so complex and deliberately convoluted that you sort of just sink into its rhythm and can come and go with following the actual plot.

Stories within stories when self-contained are so great and so memorable. I read Blood Meridian recently and there is a section where The Judge tells a story about a shoekeeper that doesn't relate to the plot other than as a parallel that the character draws but its such a well-drawn story within a story that it

I still can't believe how boring the second one was. You have Loki sorta being a good guy post-Avengers. Should write itself. Instead its all this barren alien world and the most forgettable villain ever. That movie was Fantastic Four level boring and generic.

Yeah… that was the VPN side of my pondering…
It actually would probably be less work and more reliable to just download a movie than use Hola. Hola is also now loaded with adware and botware, if that's something you're concerned about..

Texas Chainsaw 2 mainly.

3+ hours???? Man, I did feel less control in the editing in Django Unchained but figured I must have been overly sensitive to it but without Sally Menke… lets hope Tarantino's editor can keep a wrangle on him and his ego. 3+ hour for what sounds like Reservoir Dogs in the Old West is pretty intimidating…

Huh, says all the videos are not available. Probably because I'm in Canada. Now it comes down to the classic conundrum: is it easier for me to set up a VPN or just torrent the damn stuff?

**woosh alert**

Munich is so underrated. Fucking excellent. The notes on this review of Spielberg's tight direction apply to Munich probably more than any of his other movies.

That's what I call a 'fluke'.