
They always seem pretty pointless but at least today's had some interesting bite-sized trivia about a bunch of notable movies.

Dunno if this is the right place, but is it just me or have the Inventory lists gotten better since The Dissolve staff left? I feel like they've gotten better… or at least I actually read them now.

Although the dips are more frequent and deeper, I give the show until Season 12, there are still a few golden nuggets in there. It's the terrible teens where The Simpsons lost it and never got back on track. So much wasted youth….

Staff are identical? The staff at the Dissolve no longer write for AV. Therefore the film section is similar to the AV Club a month or two ago.

What was that like? Jaws, I mean. Speaking as a foolish youth who didn't exist when Jaws opened. Is the legend of Jaws' immediate popularity overblown? Was it really such a must-see experience and was your audience freaking out and getting into it? Was it obvious it was going to make such a big change?

That's just bananas.

I think we can all use our imaginations.

A joke I would assume because it's a) too obvious, and b) tons of other people are named dropping the DISSOLVE

Dude, at least say CANCER AIDS, like… that's just not cool man. Not cool at all.

Remember that time when AV Club installed Disqus to prevent unregistered commenters from spamming with ridiculous names and horrible comments?

You just got flagged.

Also, who here is on Letterboxd?

Everything you said was spot on. Good job!


Absolutely. Same thing happened to me. I think it's one of their best (which is a fairly long list)

Sure it is.