Ralph Waldo Emerson Fittipaldi

Hah! I appreciate that. I’m glad I found someone else who appreciates that joke like I do, because I thought it was hilarious and my friends didn’t get it.

And it is still one of the dumbest forms of racing ever created. I liken it to, as a form of entertainment, to that of flagpole sitting and snow shovel racing.

What’s more amusing is that Elizabeth Holmes failed to realize that other scientists before she came along most likely already considered the option of smaller blood samples but couldn’t pull it off because it’s physically impossible to do. Not because no one else ever thought of it before!

I have been waiting for this day ever since reading a completely fawning profile of Holmes and Theranos in Fortune, in which she said she could tell whether you’d eaten broccoli or a cheeseburger recently by looking at a blood slide under a microscope. Advice for would-be medical innovators: stay in school, kids.

I am glad. I hate her whole narrative of “dropping out of college to pursue a brilliant, ‘disruptive’ idea in medical technology” that turns out not to work and that might have benefitted from, yes, a lot more medical education and reflection and emphasis on results over shiny venture-capital-attracting narratives and

Here’s the thing that I don’t like about this whole fiasco.

I see this everywhere. It’s a plague, especially upon people of my age, the 20 and the 30 somethings who don’t seem to demonstrate an actual marketable skill, but instead are masters at selling themselves. They’re not even people, but their own commodities. I see it in my fellow artists and filmmakers who hype on

I am rooting for this company to fail, along with every other company that sells itself as disruptive.

Don’t “this” a reply to your own post that you (presumably) got paid to write, you narc.

If I were to win the lottery this is the kind of mundane car I would collect. Sure I lust after some older exotics and muscle cars, but I find the cars that normal people drove to be more interesting to preserve.

You know what I would love? More movies with black people just being people. Like dramas, character pieces, etc., with black people just being normal people, you know, like we are in real life. Not “black movies” (stay away Tyler Perry. Stay far, far away). Not slavery movies. Not Straight Outta Compton. Not Boyz in