Peterus Yelch

It’s underperformed, sure, but hardly a flop. It’s nearly made it’s budget back before even hitting DVD etc.

Yeah, it’s excellent actually.

I tend to agree, although the face is clearly Rylance.

You should hear what she calls him!!!

By “young Indiana Jones” I assume you mean River Phoenix’s spot-on performance, not that... other guy from the series.

If this is going to be Capaldi’s final series... obviously Clara will reappear. They’ve brought companions back for every Doctor in the new series. They can’t help it.

Madness - FWWM is brilliant. It’s not got the breadth of the show but then it’s not meant to. It’s got the ominous/borderline horror vibe of the episode with Maddy’s death and I think that really threw some people who expected something easier to digest.

Anderson’s definitely out. He burned his bridges and they filmed without him.

If I may be pedantic for a second... Annie got out of the lodge and ended up in a coma. I suspect the answer to the question will be “She’s dead”.

It’s more than a few episodes - originally nine and now possibly double that.

I’d like that too... but it’ll never, ever happen. Regeneration is seen as such a no-brainer of a finale for writers (rightly or wrongly). I guess it sparks interest in the forthcoming “new season,. new Doctor” as well.

The ENTIRE trailer is a homage to the original films (especially the 1st) - there’s virtually nothing new in there and that is worrying. Will the reboot have any fresh ideas at all? None of the marketing so far suggests it will. The cast is fine but they’re clearly just analogues of the original team. Very hard to get