You are literally just as bad as the person who made that video.
You are literally just as bad as the person who made that video.
I don’t see what’s wrong with someone wanting to be able to afford to live...where they live. I’ve lived in New York for almost 20 years; it’s the longest I’ve lived anywhere. I shouldn’t have to move hours away from the life I built, the industry I’m in, and the job I have if I don’t want to. People who live in…
While I tend to agree, my gut says wealthy people would just roll in and buy up more houses in the hopes they appreciate again. At this point, we’ve all been trained that houses are a method of acquiring wealth, as opposed to something everyone should have access to. I doubt a recession is going to stop that.
They are “leery” of homeowning because they can’t afford it.
Yes. Tottenham “spares no expense”? Sparing expense is their entire business plan.
You’re right, it’s definitely more important to make people fearful just because it makes you FEEL like a badass.
We’ll update this post if we figure out what the hell’s going on.
I know, fuck me, right? I only want them to have more legal recourses against them, fair practices, and mandated legal advice for people who need to have economic strategies explained. But that’s such a dick thing for me to ask, isn’t it?
She did what now?
Yes! I’d support more senators like this over the classic “well, we can’t hurt banks. That would be bad!” Honestly, It’s alarming how content we have all been with the status quo, and look where it has gotten it.
... It’s not a metaphor.
The reason for this is there were certain parts of Dodd-Frank that were unduly onerous and overreaching.
So in order to show contrition regarding his racist gesture towards Asians, he’s personally donating to an organization that spends most of its time defending the state of Israel...
Except that Bon Jovi is the absolute worst of all of them.
Counterpoint: All Billionaires are assholes.
Counterpoint: (the band) Tesla sucks.
To be fair, Hillary Clinton is denigrating the party. Anyone with a functioning intelligence can see what a mess she is for legitimate progressive party ideals. I hold her in the same relative regard as John Edwards.
While that’s true, other failed candidates were also doorstepped and subjected to similar treatment. No one made her ‘write’, heavily promote and publish What Happened that quickly, and no one made her promote it with comments like the ones that keep making the news.
She’d be getting nowhere near the same degree of flack if she’d done what other failed presidential candidates have done over the past couple decades and shut up/gone away for a year or two before resurfacing. There’s a reason she’s getting a lot of flack from even establishment/third way Dems and it’s that her…