Billy’s actually worse. The person who made the video clearly knows how to edit their work.
It would actually be more like moving to Katy or the Woodlands. Mansfield, like those suburbs, has seen massive growth over the past 30 years because of white flight from Arlington and Dallas. Dallas itself is very diverse and consistently votes blue. It’s the lily-white suburbs that give both Dallas and Houston a bad…
Carson must’ve heard Trump say that if you want to fuck something, you should buy it furniture. So he went and bought the HUD Department furniture.
They won’t care. They aren’t in it for the money. As long as they’re able to degrade and dehumanize citizens without consequence, while being praised as heroes by the media and a plurality of the populace, they’ll be perfectly happy.
Her sister once wrote an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal complaining about colleges not accepting her because she didn’t have a “Tiger mom” and she offers “about as much diversity as a Saltine cracker.” So yeah, I’m not surprised that Bari Weiss would write such ignorant shit. The fact that they can get their drivel…
It’s fitting since, before this year, “we’re going to lose everything” was just the Eagles’ catchphrase.
As much as I’d love an Asian in the White House, Tammy Duckworth is not the person for the job. She refuses to get behind any sort of Medicare for All plan, which should immediately disqualify her by from the nomination. Beyond that, she’s refused to take firm stances or demonstrate leadership on anything that isn’t…
Cool, this means that the New York state government will finally stop doing business with the NYPD. /s
A fake one. No city larger than 100,000 people could ever owe its growth to 20k urban professionals moving in. Even if their alleged facts are true, it’s far more likely that the city’s growth caused the company to move there than that the company’s arrival caused the city’s growth.
Even in the worst-case scenario, CHIP was always going to get funded. Schumer literally just agreed to McConnell’s original plan and is calling it “compromise.”
Ah yes, there’s no better response to an article about structural racism in Hollywood than making bullshit semantic points. You’ve really shown that you have a complete understanding about the issue and also basic human empathy.
Arsene Wenger is the Jeff Fisher of the Prem.
They tipped their hand by responding to an author with an Arabic name with a mocking, out-of-place Arabic phrase. Usually Likudniks are much more subtle with their racist dog-whistles.
White nationalists actually love Israel. To them, it represents the ideal ethno-state, one that suppresses the rights of minorities in favor of the dominant ethnicity. Richard Spencer literally refers to white-nationalism as “White Zionism” and uses Israel’s Jewish-supremacist policies as examples for what the…
HamNo is this site’s David Brooks.
Abolish ICE. Abolish the police. Abolish the Senate and electoral college that give these people disproportionate representation.
Any examples? He was always pretty upfront about how to pay for single-payer (effectively replace premiums with progressive income taxes), infrastructure investment (corporate and capital gains taxes), student debt relief (corporate and capital gains taxes)... Did you ever ask the same questions about how Hillary was…
Well that’s not true at all. Bernie’s favorables are highest among Blacks and Latinx, with Asians close behind ( He’s just not as popular with the main POC groups (typically those with more education and wealth)…
Found the TERF.