
By all means see X. But know that they are experimenting with a sorta stripped down rootsy sound. Billy isn't playing the silver Gretsch, astride and grinning. Rather, he' sitting, and plays sax on a couple songs. DJ plays vibes. It's really great, but you ain't gonna hear Johny hit and run Pauline

Brian's Live at the Roxy is awesome faux BB's and is an essential part of the canon.

Although I'm tempted to go all provocateur on your ass and say "Sandanista!" just for the sheer wrongness of it, I will instead suggest that "London Calling" has the highest content rating ever. Every song is at least excellent, with only one ("The Card Cheat") not an essential part of modern life for me lo these

Aaand I read it and will defend to the death your right to be objectively wrong. Funny though.

Before I go read it I sure hope The Clash wins. Because, really?

This is most definitely NOT a B- record. Keep listening.