
The article also missed that EGS has been giving away a legitimately good game every two weeks for free. Oxenfree, Edith Finch, The Witness—just three off the top of my head.

Creating a legitimate threat to a monopoly is good for the consumer.

In a fair market Steam wouldn’t have started with the benefits of a 10+ year monopoly.

They only care care that Steam has everything because they are Valve fanboys have Stockholm syndrome.

1.) Epic is currently utilizing timed exclusives to build their brand. It was not that long ago Microsoft was doing the same thing to bolster Xbox One sales and was highly criticized for it. Yet here Epic is fine.

People are mad about the Epic Store because they have zero understanding of how economics and markets work.

Here’s a benefit: It’s helping to break Steam’s near-monopoly on PC gaming, and all the “tangible negatives” that go with it.


Say hello to “Gotham Green,” “Spotlight White,” and “Stealth Black.”

The parents were unanimous that their daughters heard the words “noose” and “tree.”

Not sure if you thought that up on the fly, or had it in your pocket and were banking on someone else asking for an explanation. Either way, **chef’s kiss**.

I don’t know....some of that stuff really comes in handy.

On one hand, Kofi’s been absolutely on fine over the past six weeks, and he certainly deserves a title run, even if it’s a lifetime achievement award.

I’ve been purposely holding off on the PC expansions, because I had a sneaking suspicion that the game would come to Switch.

Don’t forget procedural generation!

I think about 2/3 of those things were Joss Whedon, so yeah.

Hi, this must be your first day on the Internet. Welcome.

So, you’re suggesting that Snyder’s daughter’s suicide was a “convenient excuse.” Just making sure we’re all on the same page.

What part of Justice League would you consider more “working their asses off”: the Superman mustache CGI or the Flash / WW boob joke?

I certainly don’t think that Snyder is Scorsese or anything like that, but I will say this: (1) His director’s cuts of Watchmen and BvS were the best versions of those movies, (2) WB’s history of meddling in the DCEU has been well-documented, and (3) one could make the argument that the studio capitalized on Snyder’s