Any reason why Donkey from Shrek is apparently in the game?
Any reason why Donkey from Shrek is apparently in the game?
“What are you talking about? Our pep band plays Hang On Sloopy at every game.” —Juliana Smith, probably
Inventor Colin Furze decided to make a real-world version and then shoot firecrackers and fire at himself.
Would you prefer that young MLB players not have the opportunity to argue for higher pay based on their worth? Because there’s no arbitration in the NBA or NFL.
Not to mention that in almost every other industry, you’re legally required to stick to the terms of your contract. You can’t just decide after a few years that you deserve to be paid more, and the other side has to cut you a deal.
Say what you want about Freddie Kitchens, but I’ll take him over Patricia looking like he wandered over from a nearby comic book convention.
The timing of Killer Queen Black will be interesting, because it’s supposed to be a Switch console exclusive—at least initially. The announcement said “play it first on the Switch.” Maybe this is the start of a little quid-pro-quo for Cuphead?
The APA and the Corporate Ministry did pretty well, IIRC.
Doesn’t being a racist kinda contradict being a socialist? Or is it one of those plan A, then plan B things?
The cheaper / more limited Switch makes perfect sense. The more powerful one does not.
What about a more powerful / efficient chip that allows games to be played in 1080p on the handheld?
Give Andy Reid three blue flags so he can learn how to juggle after the game when he hasn’t used any of them.
I think it’s just two different approaches to difficulty. A studio should have the right to make an old-school, unapologetically difficult game if it wants to.
This is the sort of leadership that produced Draymond Green. That’s pretty much all you need to know.
Newton didn’t say “no sex,” he said “no climax.” Which is much easier, because he hasn’t climaxed since 2015.
Jack Black was robbed.
He’s suspended without pay, so I don’t think the Browns can count the other half of his salary toward the floor.
The irony is that they’re going to get one of the best running backs in the NFL starting Week 9, and he’ll have plenty of gas in the tank for the playoffs. (Oh, and they already have one of the best running backs in the NFL).
This wasn’t domestic violence. Notice that the article doesn’t use that term once. Not defending Hunt by any means, but this was a garden-variety assault and battery.
Man, the 37th time I heard that joke, I thought it couldn’t get any funnier, but you, sir—#38—definitely take the cake.