
Yeah, but not many people are going to watch her show live anyway. If it does well with DVR and YouTube audiences, it’ll still be a win for NBC.

It’s probably money well spent for EA—makes more sense than TV commercials or magazine ads in 2019.

“Cleveland Browns Fans Are Thinking Super Bowl Already”

And he’s under contract until 2024.

Having 3-starred everything in Overcooked and Overcooked 2 with my wife, I can wholeheartedly say that Level 2-1 can die in a fire.

Don’t get me wrong, the Cavs suck this year, but at least they didn’t give everyone false hope and then self-destruct (in the regular season).

Wait, so now we’re criticizing people for saying “look at me” on Twitter? On Twitter? I’d love to hear what you think Twitter is actually for.

Corollary: Go watch Simone—another tech-cynical movie way ahead of its time. Rotten Tomatoes summarizes the criticism asthe plot isn’t believable enough to feel relevant.” Hahahahahaha.

Thank God for Sarver and his inspirational goats—otherwise, McDonough wouldn’t have known that his job was to try to get good players.

It would be helpful if Gawker hired people who had a clue about what they were talking about.

To then say “they’re not applying this to white athletes b/c they’re just biased against black athletes” necessarily involves willfully ignoring the fact that white women have had this condition viewed as a medical issues for decades. They’re not promoting white athletes with intersex or higher testosterone-

Tristan possibly made a move on Woods.
Woods possibly lied about cheating with Tristan.
Khloe possibly lied about Woods breaking up her family.

His dastardly plot is to make a SUPERSONIC MAN OUTTA YOU!


Yeah, my reaction to the trailer was “it looks great, but it’s definitely just a new Pokemon game.”

By the time he announced his diagnosis, Roman had gotten to a point where he was doing some really great work. He’s always been a good worker (if a little Five-Moves-of-Doomy, but so was Cena, Austin, Rock, and Hogan), and his promo skills had really improved. The problem is that his initial singles push was so

**whispers** he’s actually really good but people still can’t get past the really bad push

You can actually get a pretty good spiral from an underhand toss, if you know the right technique. SOURCE: Was a ball boy in middle school.

I came for the W. and Austin Powers jokes, and was not disappointed.

Honestly, I think there was some backlash against Damien Chazelle after how thoroughly La La Land got shoved down everyone’s throats last year.