
Second on Galaxy games.

Pretending to be an asshole in order to shake off nerves doesn’t seem so different from actually being an asshole, though, so Larva might want to watch his back.

Here’s a deep cut: de Blob

+Hue Jackson’s management of DeShone Kizer

I think you mean almost-got-a-ring-as-a-benchwarmer-for-the-Cavs Joe Harris!!

Anyone who researches the Schiano-Sandusky connection for more than 5 minutes knows that there’s virtually no evidence that he had any involvement.

You seem oblivious to the fact that Bradley called the story false, that McQueary never mentioned it again, and that Schiano’s name never came up in the dozens of investigations and lawsuits surrounding the PSU scandal.

Here’s what the article should mention: There’s little to no connection between Schiano and Sandusky. His name was mentioned briefly in one deposition (as in, “I heard from a guy who heard from Greg Schiano). His involvement was vigorously challenged, and none of the dozens of investigations and court cases

Is it worse than not clicking through and realizing it was an article by a respected sports journalist?

If by “shit” you mean “body parts.”

The Navy’s statement also said they were hoping to get a firm grip on the situation and work every possible angle until the parties involved were satisfied.

I’m going to need some pot holders for that flaming hot take.

Except that “C” was a good choice in this case. It’s “P” and “O” that did them in.

I’m not 100% confident I could maintain that pace for one mile.

He meant that she already has them bookmarked in her browser.

Carlton was later disqualified after she admitted her piano was being pulled by a trailer:

Rather than hibernating for a year or so in shame over how colossally the U.S. botched the World Cup qualification process

Watching the highlights, I think there’s a much better chance of McKennie continuing to score goals than Horvath continuing to miss 5-holes.

That would be awesome.

This is the correct take. Mario and Horizon are GOTY-caliber, but IMO, Zelda transcends 2017.