A trailer celebrating a new game icon. That’s what we’re doing now.
A trailer celebrating a new game icon. That’s what we’re doing now.
I’m surprised the “S.C.” didn’t have the same effect (although I secretly like it).
To me, this is the smoking gun. This proves that Precourt has zero intention of keeping the Crew in Columbus, no matter what he says. Why would he create an organization to support the move if it wasn’t a foregone conclusion?
with big sacrifices in resolution and graphical fidelity
Pretty obvious I was referring to her vocal performance, not her overall contribution to the game.
Would you pay for it? Becuase you know Square would jump at the chance to exploit this for extra money.
that the strike claimed at least one victim: Life is Strange.
“Quick, Ashley Birch... record a DLC voice track for Life is Strange: Before the Storm!
Whoever gets the job will probably be treated like an American Pharoah in NYC.
but he’s still a peak-top-30 player
That may be some of the most piss-poor goalie effort I’ve ever seen.
She’s a pro, so probably out of the running.
Here are some Deadspin writers who half-assed an “article” today:
Why let facts get in the way of a rehearsed one-liner you’re really trying to get over?
And Brian Jordan!
Yes, this needs to be posted over and over and over.
You know, some days, I wish that Gamergate really was about honesty in video games journalism.
Hey, watch your mouth. Xx_SnIpEyOpUsSy_xX pulled half our platoon to safety, one by one, saving us from certain death. That man is a goddamned hero.
At least Florida’s name is self-aware.