
Philadelphia Pumpkin Spice > Philadelphia Fusion

My understanding was that true Philadelphia fans booed their own teams.

Eddie Kingston, Rockstar Spud, Reno Scum, Taryn Terrell, Marche Rockett, and MJ Jenkins

There are three really big issues here that weren’t covered by the article:


+Hue Jackson

For added fun, read this article in the voice of Duke Amiel Du H’ardcore.

1) I really feel for KillerKai, but the financial hit wouldn’t have been so bad if he didn’t wait until the last minute to plan an international trip.

Anthony: Go ahead, tell me again.

Well, that’s 3 Switch games I want coming out on the same day (Batman, L.A. Noire).

I’m inferring that her score still counted for the team, which is why she still played even after learning the rule.

Of course, if you’re like me and your Joy-Con (L) desyncs all the time, this may be impossible.

Yeah, but without delivery, what would you wring a 430-word think piece out of?

I think our doula thought that was weird. She wanted me a little more present. But Julie understood.

Inb4 IRL casual hookups on Twitch.

Moreoever, my understanding is that he was a dick. He seems surprisingly articulate and reasonable in this article.

I think if you start a sentence with, “I was informed by the official TwitchCon Twitter that...” you should just not finish your sentence.


you get a phone call with an offer to go on a worldwide tour with a world-class musical act, visiting 4 continents over 6 months, earning, I don’t know, $150K+ in the process. It’s your big break! You can’t believe your ears! “Who’s the act?” you ask, dumbfounded and doing a really crappy job of staying cool even