There’s a very simple reason why Altuve (and Ramirez) deserve the MVP over Trout: Anaheim is 14 games behind the Astros and 16 games behind the Indians.
There’s a very simple reason why Altuve (and Ramirez) deserve the MVP over Trout: Anaheim is 14 games behind the Astros and 16 games behind the Indians.
They do, but it’s hard to make the argument that a guy pitching 1-2 times a week is more valuable than a guy playing every day.
If the Indians catch the Astros for best record in the AL, I say he deserves the MVP (although I know they won’t give it to a pitcher).
You do know they made it to Game 7 of the World Series last year, right? To suggest they’re not one of the 2 or 3 best teams in baseball is idiotic.
If they thought they had a legitimate defamation case, they’d sue him. Instead, we get this whiny screed.
There’s a red one as well for firefighters.
Tell that to Sterling Archer’s ringtone.
Something tells me that sprinkling fairy dust on a bunch of football players isn’t going to go over well in Texas.
served one week of his four-game suspension in Week 17 of last season. But are NFL suspensions served in weeks or games?
This is a good suggestion. I will say, however, that I enjoy keeping a number of the default subs in my feed. So YMMV.
Let’s not forget his most important attribute—a family that is willing to fly his brother and him all around the world for Pokemon tournaments.
Is this actually a game, though? This strikes me as an $100 tech demo (albeit a really cool one) with some game rules grafted on.
I don’t know—he’s 50% reddit lurker, so it could go either way.
From what I’ve read (this isn’t included in this particular article), this was a four-way match, and SS was shooting with one of the other competitors early on. It’s possible she got it in her head that it was a set-up, and just started going off on everyone.
oh, Sexy Star, that explains it, she is truly terrible both on mic and in-ring
It’s impressive that you can think straight over the sound of your own mouth breathing.
I imagine she’ll always be able to find work in Mexico. I’m hoping that she at least gets kicked off of LU, as she was already my least favorite part of the show.
“Via” can also mean “through the medium or agency of.” It wasn’t Miami’s pick when Boston traded it—it was Boston’s pick, due to Miami’s original decision to trade it to them.
Harbaugh would like to focus on more important things, but he gets PTSD every time he remembers that scUM has lost 14 out of 16 to Ohio State.