Glad VP is bouncing back, but it doesn’t change the fact that they choked in Atlanta.
Glad VP is bouncing back, but it doesn’t change the fact that they choked in Atlanta.
IIRC, I think there’s already a couple games that are going to have reversible covers. Binding of Isaac is one.
Agree. Most of the other stuff he’s said about the situation suggest that he knew it was stolen.
I’m hoping that game makes it to other systems. Personally, I think it’d be a perfect game to get over to the Switch.
“Invested.” LOL. Most likely story is that he knew the guys who stole it. If he’s savvy enough to do unboxing videos for NeoGAF, he knew he wasn’t supposed to have the system this early.
Is anyone honestly making their decision on whether or not to buy it based on the UI?
From the details that have come out, he was probably in on it. He said he’s a barista, and that he got it “from work,” so most people are thinking Target/Starbucks, and he bought it from the guys that stole the systems.
I’m pretty sure he was only looking for holo rares and ultra rares.
Cavs were playing a back-to-back, and their third game in four nights. All on the road. And only lost by 9.
The difference between this and the Celtics is that GE has an iconic logo that still comes across no matter what color it is. Infor’s logo, on the other hand, looks like it was designed by someone on Fiverr.
Newsflash: They’re not selling the Switch to console pedants. This system is going to succeed or fail on the concept. If you still can’t make a decision without full specs and online and VC details, that’s a you problem.
the launch lineup for the Switch is objectively weak.
Then you’re unfortunately out of luck. No Netflix, unless they add it after launch.
Obama got to appoint 2 justices, just like Bush and Clinton. Replacing Scalia with someone like Scalia doesn’t really change the makeup of the Court at all.
I didn’t vote for Trump, and certainly do not support the majority of what he’s done since he took office. I’m simply attempting to play devil’s advocate.
Really glad to see Kevin Love get in this year after being the media’s whipping boy all last season (and trade bait, apparently?). Between the tail end of the playoffs and the first half, he’s really stepped his game up.
I hate this vague bullshit where they don’t say what the game is or how it works but promise it’ll “give players the chance to really live out their fantasies . . . in a deeply immersive way” and that it “breaks out of the existing boundaries of what are typically classed as games.”
If they packed it in and then charged $50 extra for the console, people would be complaining that they’d rather have a cheaper SKU with no pack-in. Nintendo is damned if they do, damned if they don’t.
I hope ARMS wins the player’s choice. That would be incredible.
and uh, is it getting hot in here or is it just me?