That was 100% what I read. He’s proven a danger to women, so let’s ignore that and as long as he won’t hurt a man let him out in 3 months.
That was 100% what I read. He’s proven a danger to women, so let’s ignore that and as long as he won’t hurt a man let him out in 3 months.
And not even blame HER specifically, but the fucking culture? Like, hookup culture that OTHER fucking people create or perpetuate (which is totally bullshit if you ask me, but I’ll pretend it’s a thing for the sake of argument) is the reason that this particular woman had to endure this?
You are wrong. The judge is worse than the rapist.
What else did they want? He attacked her outside, there were witnesses, he was caught in the act, the evidence was 100% irrefutable. But still, a slap on the wrist, he gets to blame those drunk slutty sluts, and the judge is worried about how tough prison would be for him.
Yes, it’s an outrageous statement. He hasn’t admitted any culpability therefore it’s easy to conclude that he WOULD do it again as he doesn’t see that he did anything wrong. He is most definitely a danger to society and likely to re-offend. This judge is as bad as the rapist.
I, too, am getting really fucking tired of being told how to feel about it from every goddamn angle of life. It’s like-guess what? I’m sad the gorilla died, I feel for the mother who was probably scared beyond belief and ALSO, I think she maybe screwed up some, plus I am able to see the rationale behind shooting the…
I would hear them from artists and exhibitors selling comics in a lot of the more popular SoCal cons. Wondercon, comic con, etc.
Gotta say, I don’t think most cosplayers do deserve to be reimbursed for their time and effort. I hate that something that started out as fans making costumes in their free time is now being turned into a showcase for professionals. It gets worse when people compare the work of someone with a full time job doing it as…
Hello darkness
and I’ve already wasted enough effort on you.
I’m sorry. Did you really think we would limit ourselves to only ten of your scariest stories this Halloween?
What's the point of playing games if they're not real? Why bother doing anything?
Over the course of my three days at the Values Voter Summit, I encountered nearly-constant implicit racism and…
Can I have both? :-P
Well, if I had worded it better, it wouldn’t even be open for that interpretation. I’ll own it regardless. :-)
I was making really fun of the fact that they were trying to chalk it up to “bad thoughts” instead of “bad person.”
Wimp. It’s like finishing Ulysses. You do it because the desire to tell people you did so outweighs your logic to not hate yourself.
Yep. Even posting here, I act with the full knowledge that anything I say could be found later and used against me if the anonymity goes away. And so I don’t say horrible things about people who don’t deserve it. A good rule of thumb is never say anything on the internet you’d feel like a total asshole saying to…