
Awful lot of assumptions in there. Oh, but you’re a wise...what, 35 year old?

Or, and stick with me here as this may be hard to follow, after 6 years of making kid friendly content, he’s pent up and repressed. He probably needs to vent out all the bullshit and then, maybe, he can start really becoming a content creator again, on his own terms. This judgmental horseshit automatic backlash to him

I didn’t see a single person make that claim about Jason, but yeah, sure, okay.

You think me diagnosing someone over the Internet is taking them serious? Clearly the humor was lost on people here.

Get better sitters.

They aren’t if you don’t know how light works in a dark room.

  • Superficial charm and good intelligence - half check, need more information to confirm

No, it isn’t. Unless you’re a lousy piece of shit that can’t quietly and quickly get through a row of people, it is absolutely less distracting to the single row of people versus /EVERY PERSON BEHIND YOU BECAUSE THAT’S HOW LIGHT WORKS/.

Counterpoint, if you can’t be without your phone when watching a movie, stay home. If you can’t break from it for a couple hours, that’s your problem. You are definitely a sociopath.

We’re all missing the crucial piece which definitively makes you an asshole : why the fuck is your phone on? It’s not just rude (your argument is like sayubg, “I’m talking to one person loudly, but the movie is louder, so why are you paying attention to me yammering like a garbage person and gabbing in the place

Oh right. Was it not presented as being as disturbing as it actually was? Been a long time since I saw the movie.



I think it’s probably effective at warding off predators. If you were a prowling predator pouncing on pooping prey and came upon this disturbing defecator, you may well pass on their particular posterior. No telling what disease they could carry.

I think it’s probably effective at warding off predators. If you were a prowling predator pouncing on pooping prey

I have done a LOT of travelling in my time. I’ve been every continent but Antarctica. I have never once seen or had recommended to me this pose, as described by ColoradoCajun:

I have done a LOT of travelling in my time. I’ve been every continent but Antarctica. I have never once seen or had

Fair enough, but your balance should be in the calves and ankles so I’m not sure where the shoulders come into play. To each their shitty own!

Fair enough, but your balance should be in the calves and ankles so I’m not sure where the shoulders come into play.

I feel like you consider yourself a genius, but between the muscles that help you shit not working that way and squatting being just as easy while helping cheek separation and thus being cleaner, you seem more insane than ingenius.

I feel like you consider yourself a genius, but between the muscles that help you shit not working that way and

I’m sure walking around with shit all up and down the back of your legs is quite convenient!

I’m sure walking around with shit all up and down the back of your legs is quite convenient!

Whoooa, I was drunk when I watched it back in the day, and I cannot remember a rape scene. Who got raped? Holy shit how did I miss that?

Teenager me, exploring his bi-ness, feels like this is half the correct answer. Sossamon+Ledger=correct answer. This movie confirmed my long felt feelings for both sexes was legit.

Why do you hate fun? Who hurt you?