
This is another case of penis fights. Men finding ways to whine about them not being the biggest. In Utah lots of white men are so sad because they want to be in charge of the airforce base or the church or the polygamists or the desert or the deer or the sun or the water or the mined or the farmers or the moab

I don’t know. I haven’t been keeping up. But she is only 8. Perhaps we should give her the space to explore and identify her own truths. Maybe one day her adventure will be Dora Discovers God’s Mistake. Dios mio.

The best way to do a 12-hour driving day with small kids is to start at, or shortly after their bedtime. with a hearty helping of Benadryl for each kid.

not knowing all the words, i suspect.

My uncle who works at Nintendo said it's simply a matter of beating a specific dungeon 99 times in a row with a certain item equipped, but he wouldn't say which one.

I laughed out loud at “Sister Hazel to Jars of Clay”  

Flip or flop is macklemore, chip and joanna are one direction

Grumpy! On a related note, a case of the Mondays would last 5,832 hours on Venus.

I must go, my poople need me.

If everyone did everything only the way it’s always been done, then food and drink would be pretty goddamn boring. Wheat beer and lemonade is perfect for someone who’s not that into beer to begin with and wants something a little sweeter. I like grapefruit shandys because I prefer my beers on the drier side, even when

There’s that saying... if you meet an ass once per day, they are an ass. If most people you meet throughout the day are an ass, maybe you are the ass. If you truly think “most people” have bad taste in beer, maybe your subjective taste shouldn’t be put up as an objective standard for the general public. _shrug_

Thanks for this. As a white male myself, it helps me understand a little better what I can do to be better than I currently am.

Okay, Yanna.

For whatever infinitesimal peace of mind it’s worth from some random guy on the Internet, here’s some advice if you’re buying now or plan to someday: brace yourself for unexpected curve balls, fees, and other expenses during the loan approval process. Just expect it, because something will almost certainly happen at

Geez if they add another FF character to Smash it better be Cecil or Terra and no Ifs, Ands, or Butz about it

Homemade ranch is super easy if you have the ingredients on hand (Mayo, Sour cream, buttermilk or substitute, seasoning). I ran out of dressing just 2 days ago and wanted to make a salad. Had a jar of homemade mayo sitting in a jar.

Thank you. I can see how your initial interpretation did look bad, for lack of a better word. I genuinely was just asking; I don’t usually enjoy debates here.

I just ordered a set of windshield wipers (22") and they came today in a box larger than our large-ish IKEA tv stand, gah!