
Action item:

Your last sentence covers it. It’s a question of priorities. Your statement about 75k not being enough makes a lot of assumptions about priorities. The largest of which being allocating more than 20% of your hypothetical gross income to retirement savings. That’s a choice. Apparently more important than saving for a

I live in Houston proper (albeit outside the “loop” so a little cheaper), make < $75k, student loan, car payment, investments, dogs (expensive little fuckers), rent, etc. Not looking to own because I don’t want to live here long term. I’m pretty comfortable, single, no kids. All of the people I know with families live

Totally agree. There’s a huge spread of those variables and what makes people comfortable with how they balance their budget. If you don’t care about a house or retirement, I agree that 75k is plenty.

I had to clear the level. And I’d play sections and tell him when something was impossible. It was up to him to iterate. The levels on the account that are “Normal” or “Easy” are my creations. Tristan is the monster.

Play the PSX version once, shame on Square. Pretend it’s the definitive version, instead of the GBA port, shame on you.


And renovation shows. Renovations all day everyday. Good Lord, the renovations and the tiny houses and the homes that I don’t live in but get to see on TV. It’s an addiction.


what if she was being dishonest? People immediately believed this woman

I like your reply so wanted to thank it.
One always can use yet another wet blanket.

Pardon, fair maiden, I’m hoping you will
Attend my abode for some Netflix & chill.

The house arrest that he is currently under seems reasonable. At least we know he’s securely confined to his home with the mandated ankle monitors.

But for real can we get PSX-era graphics Cloud as a costume? We have HD FF7 Cloud and Advent Children, I DEMAND blocky Cloud.

Yeah, it’s focused more on what is probably coming up next, not what has already come. But that’s whatever, I don’t think the tool is there for us tools.

I am fighting the urge to shout at you, Jason and Kirk. You have characters other than Locke in the front row. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT.

Wasn’t it one of those small government conservatives who signed off on the TSA and gave it their $7 billion budget in the first place?

I used to work for a music producer who would get her power-trip stroked by sending back the food. Every. Single. Time. It didn’t matter what she ordered, where she was eating, or any other variable you can think of. This was just her way of saying, “I can bend others to my will” (probably because she wasn’t even on

Terrible casting. The dad isn’t a Fat Man, and that kid isn’t a Little Boy. What a bomb.

(You’re welcome for the obscure historical reference.)

Well, that’s why I mentioned it in the article about JRPG soundtracks~