
A little less sensationalist comparison might be taking photos in the same month, after the snowmelt. Yes it'll still be bad but it won't be as stark as those two images.

I hope they all get the flu from going there and none of them die, but are inconveniently sick for a while.

I have one tip for playing Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII...

Brian Cazeneuve: Bruce, dude, you'd better cool it with the criticism. You know what happens to journalists here. You're heading down a slippery slope.

You've been chosen to represent your country at the Winter Olympics in Sochi. But first, you have to take a hellacious dump. Choice: Do you flush the toilet paper? (go to page 2) Or: Do you place the toilet paper in the bin? (go to page 3)

Not too surprising. Even after the fall of communism, Russia's infrastructure officials continue Stalin. While accommodations are unfinished at best, at least the beds have appropriate Lenins.

Well, it'd be like you being forced to make rational, thought out comments. It's against what you believe in, so it would be a challenge for you to perform that task.

WHAT 17-YEAR-OLD KNOWS WHAT A GRAMOPHONE LOOKS LIKE? WAKE UP, SHEEPLE. ("Sheeple" is what people from New Zealand prefer to be called.)

(Just consider me your personal fan club. In a not creepy way.)

Uhhh Bunim/Murray, why weren't we eating arrest cakes when I worked there??!?!?! This is 1000x better than afternoon snack time.

Justin is getting his... just desserts.

Dearly beloved Canadians,

if its espier i hope the rapier didnt lose an I

"shallow homages to kung fu movies"

LOL. Awesome.

I was in Germany during the mid-80's to very early-90's—and my old man was stationed at a base that got regular and premium stocks; we were stupidly fortunate.

Oh god... i knew they were going with that art style... oh well thats something.. it doesnt look THAT BAD to be certainly lose some of his charm though... but seriously SQE... Final Fantasy VI is a game that DESERVE, BY ALL MEANS, a better treatment like a DS/3DS game with graphics like the FFIII and IV

Oh right.....Russia. Forgot about that.