
It's not an iphone5, but the enhanced photo does show an errant pubic hair that coincidentally solve the 1975 McLaren murder!

Yay! Solicited Exposure!!!

The above comment notwithstanding, I do really like the new Open Design. Thanks for listening to your loyal readers!

In the blog view, why do some stories have a thick gray bar across the top and others do not? It makes the thick gray bar stories look like advertisements or sponsored posts or something...

At $19.50 a pair, Old navy only needs to sell 1,025,641 pairs of jeans....

What would you prefer the headline to be? "Video game from 1999 uses the word "twitter", and when read with a 2011 perspective, provides an ironic insight into the social network named Twitter". I understand your point, but I don't think this is a particular good example. The headline did grab my attention, and I

I totally noticed this too and my wife thought I was a perv. Right after the game the original image with the full nipple was totally up on ESPN and I thought "wow, that's a very well defined nipple on the front page of ESPN". An hour or so later when I went back to the page the nipple was gone (almost)!

This post actually makes me happy to be on ATT for once, because I love the option of the 200 MB plan! My wife has an iphone and is generally around a WiFi signal most of the day at her job and home. The rest of the time her data usage is low, composed of mainly facebooking, google mapping, yelping, and some light

My Grandma lived near the General Mills plant and the Jays Potato Chip plant on the South side of Chicago and you can see them lifting trucks to get the grain or potatoes out all along I-94.

They are both closed systems, although I'd argue Apple's is a little more open, or at least developing for it is a little more accessible. The biggest issue I see is that RIM in CANADIAN!!!

This makes me picture a smiling Bin Laden on a bucket of AFC (Abbottabad Fried Chicken)...

Hopefully the next season of Storm Chasers features more Tim Samara and less Sean Casey...

You're thanked...

Is there an app that does this on purpose? All of the security and privacy mumbo jumbo aside, I think it would be really cool to watch a time lapse video of everywhere I have been for the last year or two...

People outside of the U.S. get the internet?

Yeah, but if I have had ATT for 4 years already and they ADD 2 years to my contract, I guess technically I am now in a 6 year contract, but I am just starting year 5 of that contract, so I only have 2 years left to go.

Hopefully this main purpose is not to throw objects, because if it is, then the impending robot revolution is still some years off...couldn't they have just put a pitching machine on wheels?

This story is notable because all iphones before have been been released in June or early July. This one being pushed back to September is atypical. People who might be waiting for iphone5 before they upgrade from a different phone may choose to wait the extra 3 moths, or go out and buy an iphone4 right now (or when

Here's a simpler solution: understand when a commenter is just sarcastically playing off the fact that this entire story revolves around randomly suing companies for no reason. Did you really think I meant Taco Bell should sue Gawker, and "every other media outlet" for running with the initial story? No, of course

They should sue Gawker and ever other media outlet that ran with this story like it was Gospel. I just went back and re-read Jesus' initial write up on this topic. It is actually a fully thought out article chastising Taco Bell for deceiving their customers and pointing out "yet another episode of 'food fun'" from