
You seem knowledgeable, so here is my question...I read an article a while back when they announced this program and many cities applied to receive a shuttle. The article said that NASA was interested in exposing the shuttle to as many people as possible and would like to locate a shuttle in the midwest, where there

Your point about them needing to be remembered and seen is right on...which is why there should be one somewhere other than a coast...well an ocean coast that is...Chicago, being the largest tourist destination in the middle of the country, should have gotten one. They had an awesome spot for it right on the lake in

Tower cranes ride up buildings as they are constructed. They use the newly constructed building as support. Most tower cranes actually lift themselves up as new sections of tower truss are inserted.

Using the term "in the next 30 years" or "in the next 10 or 100 years" is just the way probability statistics are communicated. When the media says that a major earthquake is likely in the next 30 years, researchers are not picking 30 years because there is something about that amount of time (like we are "due" or

You know what he meant...he was referring to the elevation, not the pressure...a confusing sentence structure, but still correct.

Joel Mchale is on The Soup, Community, continues to tour for his stand up routine, and now he is charting pitches for the Yankees? When does that guy sleep?!?!

I hate dachshunds so did they make it this far??? I am not very happy about the Corgi either, but its the lesser of two adorable evils...

This post was disappointing...all it does is talk about how these episodes would have been ruined if all of the characters had cell phones. It could have been a little more creative than to make EVERY form of missing technology a CELL PHONE...lame...there are so many other ways technology would change things that

I clicked on this article just to see the storm of comments like this bashing the gawker redesign...nice work...

I appreciated your joke. I find it even more funny that some people will take any opportunity to defend hybrid cars and make fun of trucks and those that drive them even when they are not under attack. I thought eco-friendly liberals were supposed to be smart enough to get jokes and tolerant enough to not lash out

I wouldn't say that land near the sea is land most countries would want to "waste". Just look at the USA where we have plenty of land, but everyone crams onto the coasts or along a great lake.

Plus, it looks like it only took them 1 minute and 40 seconds, so no big deal...right?

I don't really see the problem with these projector ads. We are all used to stupid pop up video ads on the web (including many more annoying ads on Gawker sites in general since the switch), so how is this any different?

Public Libraries are important for government to support because in theory they will educate the masses and make your country smarter. Smarter people produce better things and drive the economy (in theory).

Maybe the TV is ruining Tablet time? Ever think of that????

Has anyone mentioned the popup ads that obscure first story for sometime when you first come to the site. That is my biggest complaint. Are not enough ads already? I thought you were trying to highlight the first main story, but it is covered with a stupid add that I can't close.

I kind of work around that by using the native camera app when I feel I will need the power of HDR and then using camera+ to edit/enhance the picture even more.

The 300-ton counterweights you mention are not actually that at all. They are actually tuned mass dampers to reduce the nauseating sway at the top of the building in high winds. The building was actually never in danger of collapsing from wind loading as you describe.

How much more expensive must these cups be to produce than regular cups? Will that cost be passed on to consumers just so that they can serve beer faster? They should invest in the TurboTap instead...

Isn't Jerry Seinfeld a big Mets fan? Doesn't New York usually split Mets/Jets/Nets vs. Yankees/Giants/Knicks?