Peter Marinari

Thank you for articulating this so well. I kept saying to myself during the interrogator scene, "Is this a moment of poor acting, or did they purposefully push him to go in a weak direction with his voice acting?" With you having identified the theme, I think it's the latter.

I thought this episode was magnificent until the “Waiting for Something” sound cue. To hear a screaming male voice over that extraordinary moment of acting from Bledel was a wide miss. It pulled me right out of the moment.

You and me both, James :)

I think this album is a brilliant recovery from ArtPop and the overpraised mess of Born This Way. I'm so happy Gaga moved in this direction. It's not a perfect LP but I love it because it's the signal of an artist who will be around for a long time, not someone who will keep rewarming the same synth pop every 2-3

Right there with you. I was cheerleading last night as of Episode 4, but this is miserable and Marvel squandered YET ANOTHER amazing villain in a pretty shallow pile of potentials.

Agreed. Actually, it's not the first time I've liked her more in Untucked than in the actual episode - there was also the discussion of her "throuple." She's quite charming in that setting.

YES. I've been saying this all day. I want to be boy Thorgy's friend just as badly as I want to be Cosima's friend, except for only one of them is real ;)

This was a magnificent write-up that captured the feel of the event rather than laundry-listing all the queens there to be seen. It makes me all the more sad that this all happened across the country from me. Perhaps we'll get an East Coast addition in the coming years.