Traffic Cone Number 3

as long as she agrees to never leave us.

Rudolph Valentino was in Goonies? Didn’t know that.

If the Green New Deal was explained honestly, that is as a social and economic engineering project masquerading as a climate change battle plan, only the 3% of the hard left would support it.

No, Sean Astin is the guy from Stranger Things 2.

You sound like a gatekeeping white person.

I was once on an expedition in the jungles of New Guinea in the Pacific, where there’s been no outside human contact in millenia. We came across this tiny native village, Stone Age in most ways. Hips Don’t Lie was playing.

They made the movie Rudy about his life.

It’s a scandal how expensive it is to be poor in this country.

I’ve not known of any 7 month divorces. But I have known of several marriages where both parties knew it was a mistake at 7 months but held out another year or so out of shame or pride. Hell, I know a couple in year 8 of a marriage they knew was a mistake a month into it!


Why do you dipshits have such a hard time with the word “funny?”

They should pump his calf full of cortisone and then ignore it. Worked great last time.

What Marshall did was fantastic. I admire him a lot. All I’m saying is give Simmons a chance to do the same before trying to score some internet woke points. It’s the civil thing to do.

Schilling had to pay some of it back. No self-respecting Congressman would ever do that.

Arizona is a weird state demographicly. It’s certainly got more than it’s fair share of batshit hard right citizenry. But unlike say Alabama, they aren’t distributed across the state evenly, so there are plenty of pockets of Democratic citizenry where Schilling would have no chance whatsoever.

I’m saying criticizing Bill Simmons for not being like Marshall before he is even legally allowed to be like Marshall is fucking idiotic.

Can we talk about Emma Watson? I applaud her activism. Quite intelligent and engaged. She seems like a genuinely nice person. Her beauty goes without saying.

Sadly the sons of giant bigots more often than not become giant bigots themselves. Which sucks, as giant bigots tend to have more sons than non-giant bigots.

To be honest, that’s OBJ’s default expression. Good at football, good to look at, but he’s never seemed all that bright.

Could be neither is an asshole. Relationships, marriages end all the time without a villain.