That is true. When you establish protections for the workforce as a whole against arbitrary firings based on the whim’s of management, some shitty staff will benefit. That sucks! Still better than the alternative.
That is true. When you establish protections for the workforce as a whole against arbitrary firings based on the whim’s of management, some shitty staff will benefit. That sucks! Still better than the alternative.
This may be true, but he still hasn’t accomplished anything of note as Mayor, and in fact he stopped even trying to. So if he can’t handle the adversity of being a Democrat Mayor of NYC, how would he handle a GOP led Senate. So the fact that he feels qualified to run for President justifies all the scorn he’s getting.
Are you serious? You honestly think I’d say all the things I have said about an Eskimo brother?
“Entitled” is a racial slur?
Feel bad for the guy. Hates his job. His family hates him. Why not escape from the house for six months and run off? I’d pick Vegas myself, but Iowa works in a pinch too.
Contrast how? Did Josh Marshall violate numerous labor laws by commenting on the Union’s organizing efforts before he was legally allowed to do so? No? Well so far neither has Bill Simmons.
You can be both pro-union and still criticize the shitty jobs pro sports unions for the most part do.
They could in fact be considered management in a few cases.
He has yet to make any kind of public statement about his employees unionizing, and he has not responded to our request for comment
You totally stole that from Robert Frost.
Can’t. Sorry but I’ll be busy filming Witness 2: The Amish Strike Back.
He’s been an entitled lazy jackass coasting on his name from day 1 in the NBA. Pissed away his winning lottery ticket because he wanted to play gangsta.
I’ve seen it before. Each hopes the other will change after they get married. Be it sex, partying, any number of things. So they get married anyways without resolving it.
Jost is probably not her last husband.
Stupid fuck was driving NYC at night with the lights off and a fucking arsenal of illegal guns in his car while smoking a joint that HE DIDN’T EVEN PUT OUT when the cops pulled him over.
Should have seen her choice as a warning sign to say the least. Ah, young love.
1. Family trip. We all regretted it. 2. High School bus trip. Those were awesome. Worth it, grudgingly. 3. First overnight out of town with a girlfriend. As Jaime Lannister put so well, “The things we do for love.” We broke up a month later.
I wanna see this movie.
They all felt SATC3 was a good idea. Cattrall didn’t. So I trust her more.
I fucking loved Mannequin.