Traffic Cone Number 3

I mean as a middle aged man myself, I’d find it hard to hang out with a guy who dates women half our age*, I’d suspect he’d be a bit scuzzy in general. But to each his own.

What up E. Sorry about Gotti.

Give the 1033 program some time!

Btw, I know you won’t believe me, but I am in fact actually Lukas Haas.

You can’t be serious. That place sucks. Now the one off Beachum Rd? That is a PUSSY magnet! I’m beginning to wonder if you’re Pussy Posse material.

As long as they give it back for his role in Once Upon a Time, that’s fair. Or switch it to The Aviator, he was fantastic there too,

It does illustrate how little he’s grown in over 25 years.

It VERY much exists. We now meet up on Tuesdays (2 for 1 app night!) at the TGIFriday’s off of route 434. Come by and join us as we talk about some serious pussy.

Picture Bette belting it out at full Bette volume and it works in that weird Bette way.

I’ve seen both Jackson Browne and Sting twice each, and the play Cats THREE times.

Now THERE is a wall I can support building!

The money in that company comes from podcasts, which are a bit more personality driven. Which is not to say the platform doesn’t provide much of the value, but still.

A CBA negotiated in good faith by both parties that sets up a fair structured workplace means that you can in fact be friends with your boss. Yet another reason Unions are great.

“Why should I buy car insurance? I’m a good driver and have never been in an accident.”

That’s not fair. Our own ability on the left to fuck things up has to be given some credit too.

To be fair, a vote in Wyoming is as meaningful as a vote in NY when it comes to the Presidency. Try moving to PA.

To be fair, from the East Coast many routes to Australia run east.

Tee hee. Oh you.

The GOP base would turn out for Trump if he was in a coma. Republicans do that. Democrats have shown they need someone to motivate them. Joe Biden of 2008? He’d do. The left would bitch a bit, but he’d win. But Biden now?  Good lord he’s beginning to scare the shit out of me. It could doom us.

I am for Warren, but your concern is a legitimate one that really gives me pause. Biden’s decline from just 7 years ago is alarmingly evident, and that’s without him having been President, the most physically and mentally taxing job there is. So as much as I like Warren, would I in 2024? Do we really want to deal with