
It takes something special for it to end up in the promo still, though.

The point is that the film editor for the AV Club can't write his way out of a paper bag.

Welcome to a Dowd review!

Beef McLargehuge

I had the same thought. Also, just based on the above review I'm pretty sure that Dowd would have given this film at least a B+.

So basically no actual sites? I don't think I could handle Twitter, and podcasts are sort of a nonstarter for me.

So where are we going for film reviews now? That's pretty much the only thing that keeps me coming back to this site these days, and the quality there has dipped a lot recently (I'm looking at you, Dowd).

The whole quasi- trilogy​ was awesome, which included the criminally underrated Soulblazer and Terranigma, mentioned above. All three present a pretty interesting shinto/naturalism philosophical perspective that got burned out of later games pretty quick.

Boop boop be doopy doop!

I assume that Evangelical Christians hate the letter K because it appeared in a bed with Bert and Ernie on sesame Street ten years ago, or some equivalently asinine reason.

It's really poor form for a critic. Among other things, people read reviews to get a sense of what a movie is like, and omitting major, bog-obvious problems basically just misleads people about a film.

This is my primary complaint about Dowd reviews- he seems very impressed with random weirdness and mood and doesn't care if the movie utterly fails to stand up to any kind of logical scrutiny. That's how you get glowing reviews of crap like Now You See Me in the face of a reputation for panning everything that other

2E or GTFO!

It does in a Dowd review!

Somehow, I feel like the little star painted on the side is the stupidest part.

I have a kid in kindergarten and I would be unsurprised if 'Rictus' was among the 100 most popular boys' names nowadays.

Hey, as long as he's reviewing movies I'll take it! Glad to have you back, buddy.

Seriously. Also, is it possible for Dowd to review the movie that the column is allegedly about? Nobody gives a crap that he liked the Jeremy Renner one. Most of the review reads like disappointment that the movie is different from what he wants it to be, rather than an actual evaluation of this movie.

Eh, they were pretty overrated.