
Remember that white people glorify great human achievments like going into space and inventing things while black people paint murals of gang members and celebrate violence while glorifying sipping lean. Why don’t you worry about stopping black crime in Chicago and other U.S. cities instead? Go get an education

Si3g heil.

They should gas all tyrannical tr@nnies and LGBTBBQ.

This write-up makes little sense. Every article I read online of those who saw the demo all say that the game is gorgeous and will melt CPUs while Mr. Schrier here says quote....

People who bite their finger nails while thinking, “OMG, what no replay value?” need to stop. There is lots of replay value, especially if you value the actual game on top of that. When I beat Command and Conquer or Red Alert back in the day I did not sit there thinking about replay value. What a bunch of millennial

What a cringey article concept? Bayern is almost as rich as Madrid or Barcelona... and Bayern are a German team with a 3rd Reich mentality so I don’t see how Madrid is bad and a German cold efficient club is supposedly the good guy. I don’t support either club but Madrid was Europe’s mother club. Used to be.. but

Now playing

Listen to some Polish beats while playing.. you kill things at a faster rate.. lol