Peter Lemongello

This is going to keep happening until some of these fucks go to jail for manslaughter.

You do understand that if you buy a courtside seat, a player landing on you is a very real possibility? You also understand that there was like zero malicious intent right? You seem like you must get in a lot of fights. I hope you don’t go out to crowded bars, like ever.

“I’m a white guy lawyer lots of people don’t like”

One day there will be a documentary about these guys financial woes. Sure, some will go on to be wealthy in later life, but most wont.

Yeah, but just remember, once the eSports crash comes he’ll be out of a job and still a loaded teenager able to decide where his life goes from th- well, fuck.

Honestly all I took from this is that there is an 11 or 12 year old making way more money then I am. I made the wrong life choices.

To be fair, going nuts is exactly Tracy’s brand. He should be applauded for his restraint.

Honestly, if I had JUST bought a Veyron and it got sideswiped by a CR-V, I probably would've had an identical reaction, if not worse. 

Of course it’s by some oblivious moron in a fucking CR-V...

“You can’t take drugs in the military.”

Alright. Tell that to the guy in my BCT bay who was on albuterol.

Tell that to my wife, injured in the line of duty, who was on percocet during recovery.

Tell that to the various and sundry soldiers at the VA hospitals filling prescriptions for things as mundane as allergy pills

Trump bolloxed up the GOP talking points of the cost of medical treatment to care for in-transition personnel, and he spewed “they take drugs”.

“You take an aspirin... and they hold it. They hold it between their knees because there’s no drugs. None. There’s a disease. Maybe you’ve heard of it. I think it’s called syphilis.  Very nasty.  And then there’s abortion.  But there’s no drugs!  So, you take an aspirin.

Donald Trump and Piers Morgan being in the same room together and that room not being vaporized by a meteor is all the proof I need that either there is no god, or god is a fucking asshole. 

Someone wrote drugs in Trump’s talking points and all he could remember was the aspirin. Get the fuck outta here with this nonsense.

My wife and I once installed a toilet correctly after watching a YouTube video.

I umpire at the collegiate level, and I wear equipment I have ‘received’ from current major league umpires, and what we wear is more stable than what catchers wear, but a direct blow to the heart area will alarm anyone.

It’s far sturdier, but it obviously makes them less mobile than a catcher. The trade-off for the catcher is that they have a glove in their defense and they actually know what’s coming at them. Still, taking a shot like this directly to the heart region is scary. The ball could still send a pretty decent amount of

Another equipment knower can correct me on this if I’m wrong, but I believe the chest-plate worn by umpires is actually sturdier protection than what is worn by catchers.

Shot to the heart! And Turner’s too late. McCann gives catchers a bad name!

I thought I was dead inside, but the longer the video went, the more the tech in the helicopter tried to hook the litter with his foot, the harder I laughed. Then they tried to pay out some rope to... what? I guess they didn’t want the patient/litter to hit the skids, so they let her down, which accelerated the spin,