Peter Lemongello

Sorry, but the correct response was “What is, Annapolis?”

I think we’re gonna need a bigger belt.

If anything is to be taken from this story, is the reiteration of the fact that I hate Drake.

If an 18-year-old says he scored nine times, it means he maaaybe got one handjob.

This was the home run trot of a man who, prior to that point, had hit a total of three dongs across 10 seasons

Irony is calling someone out for arrogance while purporting to speak on behalf of the person’s dead grandfather...

Robert Swift seems to be taking good care of the place.

the grass at LeVeon Bell’s old place is a lot better, just sayin

I’m fine just watching The Grand Tour, whatever form the fourth season takes. it’s gotten steadily better over its three seasons, culminating in that absolutely epic Mongolia special. Top Gear in its present form just does nothing for me; a part of that is 2/3 of the presenters being people I couldn’t care less about,

At this point, I much prefer the Grand Tour over Top Gear.

Please don’t drive around your newborn baby in a 60 year old Corvair, unless you really have no other option. I feel like that should go without saying, but here we are.

I’m not sure I know what “Owned into the Sun” means, because I just watched Ben Carson mumble and stonewall Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley until her time ran out. This isn’t a thing a pure joy; watching this makes me angry.

Nailed it!

Not sure Christ really cares much about gold medals. He got hung up on some silver, though.

The guy has not even started playing for the Knicks yet, let’s hold off on any and all “worst nightmare” talk.

I have to admit that I almost feel bad for attacker, I mean aside from the potential mental health issues there. This is your moment of fame where you dropkicked a 70-year old man from the back and he barely felt your attack.

If you turn the audio way up, you can hear him shout, “I’M NOT YOUR FRIEND, BUDDY!”

Please, Toronto doesn’t want to be part of the US, they want to be their own city-state called “Toronto” where they are don’t have to think of anyone outside of their city limits again.