I am 100% for stereotyping MRA dickheads based on their choice of sunglasses alone. I have yet to be proven wrong on this.
I am 100% for stereotyping MRA dickheads based on their choice of sunglasses alone. I have yet to be proven wrong on this.
Most repair shops would have neither the assets nor the insurance to cov er a $31.5 million judgment.
How? Why? I can’t be the only one that needs to know.
If you like freedom, don’t live in an HOA.
Cars are not a “weird” hobby. Fuck HOA’s.
If you like cars, don’t live in an HOA.
You mean, you know what is going through this guy.
When asked how this could have happened, Godwin noted that there was no sense in looking back.
I stepped on a lego the other day with my bare foot, so I know what this guy is going through.
Clearly they are mistaken about this being a Motor Home.
This blog’s written in... NEE-YEW YAUWURK CITEH?!?!?
yeah, no, you’re wrong. If you think the parent of that kid doesn’t know what a terror the child is being, then your head is crammed so far up your ass you can floss with your chest hair.
“Could you not drive in that scenario?”
The worst part of this experience is that there’s now incontrovertible video proof that he attended an O’s game.
I’m glad I didn’t tear up that trifecta ticket before the review.
No one wants to see Barkley dead, so let’s not joke around like this.