Not only cars. Ethanol wreaks havoc on any small engine. Carbs gum up faster, gas goes bad faster, seals break down. On a lot of my small engines it is worth paying the $12/gal for the 92 octane, 50:1 premixed, ethanol-free gas in a can. I don’t even burn a gallon a year so waste is insignificant, but I know my…
Real American Heroes - We salute you Mr. Pit Crew Fire Extinguisher Holder.
That’ll give the undies a brown racing stripe.
Even if Josh was being petty here, which he wasn’t, Steve Smith was literally the pettiest player ever so maybe stop throwing stones bro
I would love to meet the guy.
That was some horseshit NBA JAM eat-your-money cheating-AI shenanigans of a shot... And it was fucking AWESOME
Chris, that was awesome. Fuck.
I was gonna support the NCAA but they were 5 miles beyond my care radius so the NCAA can go fuck itself.
If your article gets any traction at all, the NCAA will reverse the decision to avoid embarrassment. So... everyone... SHARE THE HOLY FUCK OUT OF THIS.
What. The. Ass.
My first thought as well. Take it home, play it cool, and call the dealership and ask if it’s ready. “What do you mean it was stolen? How?”
This! I’d have driven it home, parked it and waited for the dealership to call me when it was “ready”.
imagine if she DIDN’T tell them where the truck was... and returned to ask them. She should’ve let them sweat it out a bit. Stealing it back was genius.
“It was very surreal. Generally people who are caught doing this always deny it, ‘No, no, no.’ He didn’t. He continued.
Beating elicits beating.
Great, now we’re going to spend the whole 2020 campaign with Republicans whining about these Telfair queens.
There they are Ladies and gentlemen, your 2019 Baltimore Orioles!
How do you not have Thrower on the bump?